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Student Conduct Resources

Advisor - Throughout the investigation and any subsequent hearing or appeals, both the complainant and the respondent shall have the right to have an advisor of choice present at any meeting. Any person who serves as an advisor should plan to make themselves available for meetings throughout the process. Limits on the role of an advisor shall be applied equally to both the complainant and the respondent.

The advisor is a silent and non-participating presence who is there solely to observe and provide support during the process. The University has the right at all times to determine what constitutes appropriate behavior on the part of an advisor as well as the right to request that an advisor leave a meeting in the event the investigator determines that the advisor is not acting appropriately. The advisor is encouraged to join the complainant or respondent's initial meeting with the designated University official for an orientation to the University's policies and procedures, privacy protections, and expected participation/decorum. The advisor may not be a fact witness or otherwise have any conflicting role in the process.