Information for Parents

The University Counseling Center offers short-term individual, couples, and group counseling for a variety of concerns such as anxiety and stress management, relationship difficulties, depression, or healing after a trauma, just to name a few.
The UCC also offers telephone or in-person consultation to parents/guardians when they are concerned about their students. Please call the UCC at 504-865-3835 to speak with a counselor or to schedule an in-person consultation appointment.
Mental Health Emergency
For mental health emergencies, to reach the UCC counselor on-call 24/7/365 call 504-865-3835 and press 1. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by dialing 988.
Any and all information that students share with the UCC remains strictly confidential with very few exceptions, (e.g., when they represent a clear and present danger to themselves or others). Confidentiality is the cornerstone of the counseling process, and is a necessary ingredient for the development of trust. The UCC maintains files that are separate from other University files, and are not shared with anyone without express written permission from the student.
Due to confidentiality laws, if a student is 18-years-old or older, then the student must call to make his or her own counseling appointment. Dates of treatment, treatment summary, and other counseling information cannot be shared with parents or other family members without the student’s express written consent. If this is cause for concern, we encourage students and parents/guardians to talk directly with each other about such concerns whenever possible.
What if the student doesn’t want counseling?
Students have a right to refuse counseling. If you are concerned about a student who seems unwilling to get help, consider making a report to the Behavioral Intervention Team. Feel free to consult with one of our clinicians by calling 504-865-3835 and scheduling a faculty consultation.
Professional Staff
You are naturally interested in the quality of mental health care that your student receives while at Loyola. We have an interdisciplinary staff of licensed professionals in the fields of psychology, counseling, and social work, as well as a board-certified psychiatrist. For more information about our team, please visit our staff page.
Transitioning Care
If your student needs assistance with transitioning his or her mental health care to the UCC or an off-campus treatment provider(s), such as a counselor or psychiatrist, in the Greater New Orleans area, the student is requested to call the UCC at 504-865-3835 as soon as possible to schedule a case management appointment. Additionally, if your student is in need of academic accommodations, please visit Loyola’s Office for Accessible Education for more information.
The JED Foundation is a helpful online resource center that includes information to students and parents about how to successfully navigate the college transition, especially as it relates to emotional well-being.
For a reference on how to assist your student with emotional difficulties, please read Helping Students in Distress: A Guide for Parents or Guardians.