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Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers to your questions about the University Counseling Center and its services at Loyola right here.

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About the University Counseling Center

We are located on the second floor of the Danna Student Center, room 208.

The UCC operates an appointment basis--call to make an appointment. Immediate assistance is available by calling 504-865-3835 and requesting to speak to the counselor on-call.

Appointments can be scheduled by calling 504-865-3835, Monday–Friday from 8:30 a.m.–4:45 p.m.

The UCC is offering in-person and virtual services for individual counseling, couples counseling, and case management. All virtual appointments will be conducted using Google Meet and your loyno account.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis during business hours, you can walk into the UCC (Danna Center, suite 208) or call the UCC at 504-865-3835 to make a same-day appointment. After hours, you can call our counselor on-call 24/7 at 504-865-3835, press 1 after the prompt.

If you are in immediate physical danger and are not currently on campus, call 911. If you are on-campus and require immediate assistance, please call LUPD at 504-865-3434.

All counseling services are provided without charge. Students are responsible for paying for prescription medications.

The University Counseling Center staff is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of licensed mental health professionals. For more information, see our staff page.

Eligibility and Privacy

Currently enrolled Loyola University New Orleans students living in the state of Louisiana, regardless of course load, are eligible to utilize counseling services. 

Remote counseling is regulated by state licensing requirements that restrict providing remote counseling outside of the state of Louisiana. If you are in need of counseling services and live outside of Louisiana, the UCC will provide case management services to connect you with a local counselor in your state of residence. 

If you were enrolled in Spring and are registered for the fall you are eligible for services over the intervening summer.

Strict confidentiality laws are upheld and firmly respected. All counseling records are kept confidential and are not part of a student’s academic record. Copies of counseling records are released only with the express written consent of the student.

Treatment, Crisis, and Referral

Common concerns include but are not limited to: ADHD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, panic attacks, relationship issues, sexual trauma, and stress management.

A counselor is on-call is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you are feeling suicidal or are in crisis, please call 504-865-3835 and press 1 to speak with the counselor on-call.

A referral to a specialist is provided when deemed necessary by the University Counseling Center providers.

Group Therapy

If you are a current client and are interested in attending group therapy, bring this up with your counselor.

If you are not a client, call the University Counseling Center to set up an intake session and make it clear that you are interested in joining a group. Since the groups we offer are closed (i.e., new members cannot join once the group has started) and time limited, we may not have an opening right away but we'll let you know when the next group is starting.

Once you have completed the intake process, you will have a 30-minute group orientation meeting with one of the two group facilitators. During this session you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the group and will be able to clarify your goals for attending the group with one of the facilitators. This also allows you to become acquainted with one of the group facilitators before the group starts.

In group therapy, four to eight people meet face-to-face with one or two group therapists to talk about what is troubling them. Members give feedback to each other by expressing their own feelings about what someone says or does. This interaction gives group members an opportunity to try out other ways of behaving and to learn more about the way they interact with others. What makes the situation unique is that it is a closed and safe system. The importance of confidentiality (not discussing what members talk about or disclose in group outside of the group) is stressed with group members and all members sign a contract to maintain the confidentiality of the group. Members work to establish a level of trust that allows them to talk personally and honestly within the group setting. The first few sessions of group usually focus on the establishment of trust. Group trust is achieved when all members make a commitment to the group.

Group therapy, like individual therapy, is intended to assist people who would like to gain support, increase self-awareness, and learn new ways to cope with personal and interpersonal challenges.

Group therapy can be especially helpful for people interested in exploring their interpersonal style and enhancing their approach to relationships in areas such as trust, intimacy, anger, conflict, assertiveness, risk taking and improving self-esteem.

Sometimes group therapy is the most effective way of learning and growing. Here are some reasons why people may choose group therapy:

  • We often learn most about ourselves when we honestly share our experiences and emotions with others.
  • We learn about ourselves when we get feedback from others.
  • In group, we tend to discover that we are not alone in how we feel.
  • Group enables members to try out new behaviors.
  • In group we begin to see our “usual” patterns of relating to people.
  • Group can afford us the opportunity to “be real” with others in an environment of safety and respect.

Members talk about whatever is troubling them or whatever brought them into therapy in the first place. Because unexpressed feelings, fears or anxieties are a major reason why people experience difficulties in relationships, sharing your feelings in the group affects how much you will benefit from group.

First and foremost, you control what, how much, and when you share information with the group. Most people are anxious about beginning to talk in group. This anxiety has the potential of silencing our reactions, undermining our feelings, and hindering our needs from being met.

Within a few sessions people typically find that they are able to talk in the group and receive support from other members as they begin to share. As trust develops, we become more comfortable with taking risks, we are better able to accept warmth and to present our self, and our needs, to others.

What can I do to get the most out of group therapy?

  • Be yourself. Start from where you are, not where you think others want you to be. Being as genuine as you can will allow others to help you more directly.
  • Participate as you feel comfortable. The more willing you are to participate and commit to the group, the more likely it is that you will benefit from it.
  • Think about the goals you have for attending the group and work actively towards change. Remember you can always ask the group for help when you feel stuck.
  • Don't press yourself to reveal more than you are comfortable. Respect your own boundaries, however gently challenge yourself to take more risks with self-disclosure. The group setting is an excellent place to experiment with different ways of behaving and expressing yourself. By taking risks you can discover what works for you and what does not.
  • Remember that it is OK to talk about yourself and concerns. Many people struggle with the worry that their concerns are not important enough to share or believe that others in the group need more time than they do. Make sure to remember that your concerns are just as important as the rest of the groups'.
  • Give others feedback. This allows you to practice being direct, honest, and assertive, but also allows other group members to see how they are perceived. The best feedback expresses your thoughts and feelings and avoids advice or solutions unless specifically requested.
  • Be open to receiving feedback. The best way to get feedback is to request it.
  • Be patient with yourself and the group. It will take time for you to feel comfortable in the group and it takes time for a group to develop trust.
  • When you are not in group, try to employ the new behaviors or ideas you received in group. If you received a take home exercise, try to work on it so you can share with the group how completing the exercise went for you when you meet again. You will benefit most from group if you take what you learn in it and apply it in your day-to-day life.