Housing Accommodations
Loyola is committed to honoring the dignity of every member of the Wolf Pack. Loyola students with medical needs or special circumstances may request appropriate housing accommodations. In order to request housing accommodations, students must submit a Housing Accommodation Request Form and appropriate disability documentation to the Office for Accessible Education for consideration.
Requests for housing accommodations should be submitted by the appropriate deadline for the fall term:
- Returning students: March 12
- Incoming students: May 1
Requests will be evaluated once all documentation is received by Accessible Education. Only students with approved accommodation requests will be provided housing accommodations.
Completed requests will be reviewed by the appropriate University officials and a verification of the approved accommodation will be provided to Residential Life by the Director of Accessible Education.
Important information regarding special accommodation requests:
- A medical diagnosis does not guarantee or automatically qualify the student for a special or priority room assignment.
- Loyola University New Orleans provides many types of housing in multiple residence halls. Statements or recommendations from your physician or treating medical professional should not be interpreted as automatic approval of a specific housing accommodation or room assignment.
- Residential Life is unable to provide special housing accommodations based solely on a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD.
- Disability or specific medical need will take priority over residence hall or roommate preference.
- Accommodations are provided to the individual student, if approved, not to her/his group or preferred roommates. The student is required to assess the importance and significance of the accommodation versus preference of roommate(s) or residence hall.
- Single-occupancy rooms are very limited in on-campus housing, and may not be recommended except in cases involving clear and substantiated need.
- If you are requesting an Emotional Support Animal, please make an appointment with an Accessibility Counselor in the Office of Accessible Education.
Please contact Accessible Education by email at oae@loyno.edu or phone at (504) 865-2990 for more information and to obtain a Housing Accommodations request form. Learn more about the Accessible Education staff and Accessibility Counselors.